Thursday 14 February 2013


this here is a series both Bret and i will be doing each week inspired by the children's buying guide: 'give them something they want, something they need, something they'll wear, and something they'll read'... hope you enjoy!

want: these awesome cups by helen beard over on the art shop. my lady housemate and i have our own pretty bathroom and one of these to hold our toothbrushes would be the perfect addition.

need: some soap! again, some pretty smelling (and looking) soap sitting by our sink would be perfect for our new house.

wear: i would love a new shirt. any shirt, really. i'm slowly building up my collection and i have my eye on a lovely patterned one next.

listen: i know, i know. it should be 'want, need, wear, read' but i also want to share some music. my album of choice this month is by the lumineers. i could listen to ho hey over and over and over and over. seriously. i'm also deeply in love with dead sea & slow it down.

Love, N

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